We help Korean businesses work smarter in the global environment.

Smart Business

Success in international business requires working smart, working smarter with your foreign customers and foreign suppliers, working smarter than your competition. That’s where we can help. We help Korean companies work smarter in international business.

We do this through our consulting and training services, and by helping enhance your English ability.

We can help you work smarter with foreigners if you are a:

  • Vendor – you sell products or services to foreign companies
  • Customer – you buy products or services from foreign companies
  • Supplier – you sell Korean products or services through your own offices in a foreign country (with foreign employees)
  • Distributor – you buy and resell foreign products or services
  • Representative – you represent a foreign company to Korean customers
  • Local Office – you work at the Korean office of a foreign company
  • Government Office – you promote Korea for foreign investment